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NOTICE: The Charter Vision project is dormant as of January 2008. This website is provided for archival purposes only.

May 2004

The Rainforest Expedition

May 2004

Editors’ note: This article was written by Naomi at Schoolcraft Learning Community, a K-8 charter school in Bemidji, MN in their fourth year of operation. To see what other crews are doing, you can visit the website Melanie’s crew is learning about the Rainforest. Rainforests can be in Australia, Central and South America, and […]


May 2004

5th grade band is a lot of fun. I play trombone along with Anthony, Tony, and Nicholas. We all like 5th grade band because we finally get to slide our notes. I love to play trombone because it has loud, deep sounds, and is just plain fun to play. Every trombonist agrees with that. Some […]

Million Dollars

May 2004

How much is a million dollars? Well, all the 5th graders at our school [Nerstrand Elementary] had to spend $1,000,000 for a project. Almost all of the 5th graders said that it is hard to spend that much money, but very fun to try. For my million-dollar project I chose to start up a homeless […]

Talented and Gifted Program Implemented

May 2004

Voyageurs Expeditionary High School (VEHS), a new charter high school in Bemidji, opened this previous fall, is taking part in a renaissance of extended learning programs. One component that is helping fulfill this mission is the use of a Talented and Gifted (TAG) program. This academic extension provides students with focused interests and talents a […]

A Student’s Perspective on MBA’s Star Tracks Program

May 2004

Star Tracks, at this juncture, is an incentive program and is used in motivating students to perform well on select behavioral competencies. The behavioral competencies used in Star Tracks came from the Secretaries Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills. These behaviors are foundational for an effective worker to have, and the Minnesota Business Academy is encouraging […]

Project Sarapiqui — an Adult Perspective

May 2004

Students at Coon Rapids Learning Center (CRLC), an alternative high school, are spearheading a service learning campaign to benefit the Sarapiqui Conservation Learning Center (SCLC) in Costa Rica, which is located in one of the country’s poorest regions. This endeavor is being called Project Sarapiqui: From Students For Students and it will benefit students in […]

Project Sarapiqui — A Student’s Perspective

May 2004

Two teachers from my school recently went to Costa Rica. While they were there they visited one of the poorest regions of the country, Sarapiqui. They found a Conservation Learning Center, which is an open and free secondary school, similar to our school, the Coon Rapids Learning Center. There are high schools in Costa Rica […]

MBA Expands its Learning Community through Service

May 2004

It seems that the main objective of most schools is to teach students the fundamentals of what is considered a basic education. Math, science and English are subjects that are undoubtedly vital to succeeding. Yet how often is the student taught “life skills” that apply to the helping of others less fortunate, treating others with […]

Literary Analysis

May 2004

One of the main themes of the book “My Antonia” deals with the relationship between the friendships and events of our childhood and who we become later in life. This is reflected in the style of the book. In the novel’s original introduction we meet the protagonist Jim Burden as he travels with a friend. […]

Dear Spiders

May 2004

It appears that you are back on your yearly visit; however, this year there will be a new set of ground rules. Stay on the ceiling where I can see you. I really don’t mind if you’re there as long as you’re up high and I don’t have to deal with you. Please don’t move […]