CPA Wins Another Award
Adrian (Grade 11 / Community of Peace) Originally published March 2004Community of Peace Academy (CPA), winner of the prestigious National School of Character Award among others, has won again. The US Department of Innovation and Improvement has chosen CPA as one of eight charter schools in America to feature in an upcoming publication. The booklet is part of a series of six booklets that include the study of the eight charter schools and what makes them successful in the “dog eat dog” world of public and private schools.
Dr. Karen Rusthoven, the founder and principal of CPA, nominated us after receiving an email on Friday, December 5th. About 250 schools were nominated and CPA was chosen as one of the eight to be featured.
On Friday, January 9th, Dr. Rusthoven received the call that we had won the honor. A site visit was scheduled for Tuesday, January 27th to gather information for the 15 page booklet about CPA.
Schools that were to be considered needed to have:
- shown achievement gains in the past three years
- met Adequate Yearly Progress in 2003 as measured by state accountability measures
- become a stable, reputable organization
This is yet another of CPA’s great achievements. The achievements of our school have made the US Department of Education recognize CPA as one of the best charter schools in the nation. CPA is all of these things and more, as shown by the awards given to our school.