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NOTICE: The Charter Vision project is dormant as of January 2008. This website is provided for archival purposes only.


Tia (Skills for Tomorrow) Originally published March 2004

Eyes the color of grass
Hair a light color brown
If this is a happy girl
Why on her face is a frown?

With the height of five feet eight
A body that’s big and strong
Why does she have the feeling
That she will never belong

She goes to a good school
Where teens all act alike
Why does she suddenly feel
Like she is disliked?

Like all the other students
She always goes to class
But why is it that this girl
Finds it harder to pass

In this world
She knows just where she stands
She knows there is more to life
Than dating and holding hands

Simply, she is different
A person all her won
No longer a little girl
Still just not quite grown

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