Big Fat Cat vs. Little Baby Cat
Jon (Grade 05 / Nerstrand Elementary) Originally published March 2004One day we were outside trying to put some things away before it snowed. I was in our shed and I heard something. I was not sure where it was coming from. Then I went to where the sound was but couldn’t see anything. I heard the same sound again. I found what it was. It was a cat and he was huge. I have not seen that cat before. So I was thinking and I said to myself, nope, that isn’t our cat. I went into the barn to start my chores and then I realized
that cat followed me in. I put that cat into a pail and put a lid over the top of it because I wanted to show that cat to mymom and my oldest brother, Ben. I went to the house and opened the door and Ben came right away, then my mom came over to the door.
I opened the lid and then my mom and my oldest brother Ben said that is not our cat and then it went into the garage and just sat there. My mom said, “Don’t touch him, he might have rabies.” I said, “Yeah, he might.” I went back into the barn and went out of the feed room door and I saw that huge cat again and my baby cat was out there. Her name is Tippy. She was out
there right by the big cat and then it happened.
I got closer to the big cat and it came running around the hut and tackled my baby cat. I went over to the big cat and kicked him because I was so mad at him. Then he ran away and Tippy didn’t know where she was because the big cat rolled on her. I picked my baby cat up and brought her into the house and my mom looked at her and she said to bring her back into the barn and leave her alone. Isaid to my mom “She is hurt, can you help her?” My mom said to bring her outside. She healed in about a week. I don’t know where the big cat went.