Sojourner Truth Academy Celebrates Fall Festival
Tayvon (Grade 06 / Sojourner Truth) Originally published November 2003
Last October, Halloween came in with a gigantic boom. Students from Sojourner Truth Academy came in the evening to play math games to get candy. Teachers gave out two or three pieces of candy to each student who played the game, even if a student did not finish it. One popular game was golfing to see how many pieces of candy you would get.
Several people were interviewed during the gathering. Teachers and parents agree that it was safer than going door to door. One student commented to the reporter that he was having a great time. Teacher, Ms. Roseboro, said she enjoyed seeing all the different costumes. The other teachers loved the costumes as well. Students were seen dressed as Scream, a bumblebee, a ninja, and a ballerina. Teachers themselves put on costumes for the event. Mr. Rosiaro, the Spanish teacher, dressed as Mickey Mouse. The question came up whether Halloween should be about scary stuff or simply dressing up in any kind of costume.
It was a great success! The candy was good, the games were exciting, and it seemed like everyone had a good time.