MBA Expands its Learning Community through Service
Caleb (Minnesota Business Academy) Originally published May 2004It seems that the main objective of most schools is to teach students the fundamentals of what is considered a basic education. Math, science and English are subjects that are undoubtedly vital to succeeding. Yet how often is the student taught “life skills” that apply to the helping of others less fortunate, treating others with kindness and learning to be humble?
At Minnesota Business Academy, it has always been a priority to teach students that to truly be successful in life, one must learn the importance of helping others. Twice a year the students and teachers embark on a week-long community service learning project. They participate in hands on activities and share their skills by giving back to the community. They accomplish this through programs like Habit for Humanity, volunteering at local food shelters, community cleaning services, in school construction and various environmental activities.
This bi-annual week-long service is called “Interim.” It is coordinated by the teachers and involves a good deal of fundraising that is facilitated by the students. The Habitat for Humanity group raised funds by allowing students to vote on a teacher of their choice to sleep in a box outside for an evening. “Teacher in a Box” was able to raise over $300. The students found that this was appropriate due to the nature of the Habitat for Humanity program, which builds homes for low-income families.