$3885 from Minneapolis other cities available

Airport/foreign departure taxes of $85 . . . . Included
Tour gratuities of $36. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Included
Single room supplement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $449†



Single room supplement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $99†

Group Travel Directors (GTD) provides customized travel planning throughout the world for group travelers who have a variety of reasons and goals for travel. The goals and/or opinions of these groups do not reflect or imply the position of GTD in any matter. Brochure contents may not be duplicated without permission from GTD. In offering these travel arrangements, Group Travel Directors, Inc. (GTD) acts solely as an agent for the sale of air transportation and other travel related services. GTD maintains no control over the personnel, equipment or operations of any entity furnishing services, products or accommodations. GTD assumes no responsibility or liability for, and shall not be expected, asked or required to pay for any injury, damage, expense, personal injury, property damage, inconvenience or any other loss experienced by reason of: (1) any intentional, wrongful, negligent or unauthorized act or omission on the part of any supplier, its agents or employees; (2) any defect, breakdown or other failure of any vehicle, equipment, service, product or other instrumentality which is owned, operated or otherwise used by a supplier; (3) any intentional, wrongful, negligent, or unauthorized act or omission on the part of any other party not under the direct control of GTD; (4) financial problems causing nonperformance by any supplier; or (5) any other cause, condition or event whatsoever beyond the direct control of GTD. GTD cannot guarantee any rates, bookings or reservations of any supplier. Your retention of tickets, reservations or bookings after issuance shall constitute a consent to the foregoing provisions. All prices quoted are subject to change if airlines or ground operators increase their prices, the U.S. dollar is devalued significantly against foreign currencies, the group falls below minimum numbers, or a fuel surcharge, government tax or user’s fee is imposed. Baggage and personal effects are the sole responsibility of the owners at all times. GTD reserves the right to withdraw from any tour any tour member whose conduct is incompatible with the interests of the group as a whole. The above Conditions and Responsibility also include St. Olaf College, Heidi Quiram and Margaret Hayford O’Leary.